I asked Jud to create a fitting tribute for my friend, esteemed colleague and mentor, Dr. William Wennen.
Dr Wennen is a legendary and world renowned plastic surgeon and old school physician. He has the distinction of caring for and repairing more victims of bear maulings than any other surgeon in the world! But he has done so much more: cleft palate repairs, skin grafting for burn victims, wound care of frostbitten limbs and the highest standard of care for injuries and lacerations. In a country like Japan that appreciates its greatest artists and craftsmen, Dr. Wennen would be considered a national treasure, but alas, in our country, knowledge, experience and wisdom are not always appreciated, especially by the younger generation of doctors who think they can access all relevant medical knowledge through the internet and an app on their phones called "Now Up To Date". Sadly, Dr. Wennen has retired from active practice as of July 1st.
When I first came to Alaska in the U.S. Air Force in 1975, Dr. Wennen offered courses open to all physicians on suturing, tissue preservation and wound care. Subsequent learning opportunities he provided covered the latest science of care of burns and frostbite. Everything I know about wound care I learned from Bill Wennen and this knowledge has served me well for more than 46 years!
To honor this man who is also a fan of muzzle loading rifles, there will be a small gathering of his friends this week to present this beautiful knife.