Friday, April 20, 2018

The Complete Powder Horn Suite is Nearly Finished

Featured in this evolving project from today's visit to Jud's shop, are more of the components of the hunting set. Shot bag, touch hole pick, turnscrew, powder measure, and priming horn.

An Outstanding New Rifle from Kade Skidmore Brennan Apprentice

For the past several years, the Skidmore boys from Delta Junction have been visiting Jud's shop on a regular basis, patiently learning the craft from the master. Featured here is a mature effort from Kade Skidmore, Brennan protege and apprentice. Of note is the raised carving around the cheekpiece and wrist. Kade has taken his time with this project and it shows in the many expertly executed details.
I look forward to documenting more of Kade's work in the future.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Priming Horn and Powder Measure Finished

The Priming Horn and the accompanying Powder Measure are finished and shown in these photos.
Now it is time for the bag which is started.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

An Exceptional Pendant from Jesse Brennan

Jesse continues to innovate with artistic flare, this time with an exceptional pendant in the shape of a flower, containing a special piece of Boulder Opal. Jesse was given a blank slate to design and execute this piece for my lovely daughter-in-law. His artistic genius and technical skill are on clearly shown in this series, starting with the first image showing the sketch that Jesse worked from.

This piece of Boulder Opal was cut and polished by the author's gem cutting friend in Tucson, Mike DeMerritt. His work is featured on his Instagram site: Silverlininggemstones.